Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Gender Fiasco of 2015

The day we had been looking forward to turned into a bipolar definition.

I cried.  When the absence of a ween sunk in;  I cried.  I wanted a boy.  I wanted a boy for Cory to bond with and for me to camp with on muggy Florida weekends.  I don't know anything about super girly activities.  List of things I avoid:  HIV, Flossing, and Teen aged girls.

That seems like a distant thought.  Now all I think about are dresses and the daddy-daughter bond.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Look what Daddy Found

Nora:  It mainly originates as a short form of Honora (also Honoria), a common Anglo-Norman name, ultimately derived from the Latin word Honor (with that meaning).

Nora Mae

We are having a baby Girl.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 18 and Week 1

I'm in my 18th week of my first pregnancy.  I don't call it my first with plans of a second or third.  I call it my first because it is just that.  As my blog progresses my grand life plan, plan of any kind in fact, slowly reveals itself.  Fuck it I'll spoil the ending:  I have no plan.

I'm a 30 year old technical writer at a engineering company.  That's A/S/L chat room banter I am supposed to start with, right?  As I mentioned; I am currently 18 weeks pregnant.  I live in a house I bought 3 years ago with Cory and my two dogs.  Cory comes later...and before-  hence the baby.

I have't stumbled across a forum or conversation I can fully relate to in regards to pregnancy.  I decided to start my own blog in hopes to help navigate my way through this wonderfully peaceful and inversely taxing experience.  Wagering I don't follow mainstream thought or planning on the matter of pregnancy and motherhood;  I don't expect nodding or applauding.  I merely expect to talk to my favorite person in my favorite medium.  Me and writing.